Name: |
Piet Swart |
Age: |
52 |
Born in: |
South Africa |
Occupation: |
Professional Trader & Coach |
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Interview With Piet Swart |
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[ Q ] What made you decide to become a trader?
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[ A ] Well, the financial freedom and time freedom that you can enjoy when you are successful in trading.
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[ Q ] I know you have a lot of fans on Facebook and Twitter. What sort of emails do you get, what are the sort of questions you get?
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[ A ] I think there's a lot of different questions that you get around technical stuff, but I think that underlying all important questions, is all a cry for help to become successful traders. I think everybody wants to eventually become a full time trader, for the very reasons that I became one.
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[ Q ] Can you walk us through a typical day in your life when you trade?
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[ A ] I just get up early in the morning and switch on my PC, and I get myself some coffee. Then I come back to my computer. I have the choice of when I want to wake up. So if I wake up before 7, I will check for setups at 7 am. If not, I'll check at 8. I will check every hour after for about 5 to 10 minutes.
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[ Q ] How would you describe yourself, what type of person are you?
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[ A ] I think I'm a bubbly outgoing person who cares for my fellow human beings.
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[ Q ] What's your favourite quote?
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[ A ] I always say that "Only dead fish goes with the stream", and also "If it's to be, it's up to me."
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[ Q ] What is your dream car?
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[ A ] I love cars! I have my eye on the Land Rover Discovery 3.
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[ Q ] What is your favorite book?
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[ A ] My favorite book is "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. It's about your thinking patterns and about how your mind works, and it tells you basically that you can think yourself rich, with any business. If you keep the thoughts that you can succeed and will get rich, you will eventually.
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[ Q ] What's your favourite food?
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[ A ] Over here in Africa, we have what we call "braai". You can take marinated meat and grill it on hot coals. It's like a barbecue, but the difference is that barbecuing is like cooking the meat with flames, and to braai is waiting for the flames to die away and you just need the hot coal.
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[ Q ] What do you do to relax?
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[ A ] I like music, watching sports specifically Rugby and Cricket.
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[ Q ] What kind of music do you listen to?
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[ A ] Well I like rock music, but the old kind. I'm a fan of Neil Diamond. And then more of the recent ones are people like Katie Melua.
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[ Q ] What's your favourite movie, TV shows?
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[ A ] My favorite movie is "Die Hard" by Bruce Willis. The other one is "Braveheart" from Mel Gibson. For TV shows I like "Survivor" and "Mr. Bean". There's one brilliant documentary called "The Secret" that I think is a must watch for everyone. It teaches you a lot about life and prosperity.
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[ Q ] What's in your pocket right now?
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[ A ] In my left pocket, I got a handkerchief, and on my right pocket, I have a memory stick, which contains lots of music. One of my hobbies is making music, that's why. Maybe someday I can share with you some of my music.
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[ Q ] Where do you like to spend your holidays?
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[ A ] There's two favorite destinations. One is big Game parks, in the bush. For instance, I've visited Zambia and Zimbabwe here in Africa. I don't like shooting, I just like game viewing. It's one of the most relaxing activities for me. I feel close to nature. The other one is a nice quiet place at the beach.
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[ Q ] What entertains you?
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[ A ] I love flying ultra-light planes. I'm currently working on my licence now. I get to fly with someone who has a licence, it's really nice. Someday, I will have an ultra-light.
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[ Q ] If you can pick a person to dine with, who would that be?
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[ A ] If I were to pick just one, that would be Richard Dennis. He proved trading can be taught as long as you follow and trust a good trading system.
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[ Q ] If you would be stuck in an island, what would you bring with you?
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[ A ] I suppose it would be my Leatherman tool, a few fishing hooks and a flint.
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[ Q ] What's the most difficult thing in trading for you?
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[ A ] I think it's the discipline part that's quite difficult, because you also need to force yourself to not stay glued to your charts, because that could lead to overtrading, which is a bad thing.
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[ Q ] Nearly everyone who is reading this will want to know if there is a secret to trading, do you believe there is such a secret?
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[ A ] Well, I think the so called "secret" will differ from one trader to another. I mean for one, it could be patience, and for another one it could be consistency. Some people are more disciplined than others. So, I think it really depends on your personality.
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[ Q ] What are your trading goals for this year?
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[ A ] I think my trading goals for this year is to hit the six figures per month.
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[ Q ] What's your favourite trading website?
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[ A ] I think it must be Traders Secret Library because you find a lot of stuff there.
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[ Q ] Why do you think traders are almost fanatical about your system of trading?
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[ A ] I think it's because of the simplicity, it's a basic mechanical system.
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[ Q ] How often do setups happen for your system?
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[ A ] It depends on the market really. Some weeks you get too many setups, and some weeks are quiet. That is why it's also important to be able to restrain yourself. Some people think that many setups also mean a lot of profits, but you really just need 6 to 8 good winning trades a month.
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[ Q ] How did you come up with this system, was it trial and error?
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[ A ] Yes, you can say it was trial and error, because I was looking for a system that could help reduce the emotional side of trading to the minimum, until I came up with this one.
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[ Q ] How do you handle the emotional side of trading?
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[ A ] Well, I think it's a series of things. Number one, accept your losses as normal business expenses and look at your profits over a monthly period, not per trade or per day.
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[ Q ] Where would you like your trading to be 5 years from now?
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[ A ] I would like to be able to only trade on nothing less than the daily timeframe.
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[ Q ] What one thing do you think helps your trading?
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[ A ] Consistency is one thing that can really help, especially because I have a mechanical system.
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[ Q ] What sort of equipment & monitor do you have?
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[ A ] I've got a normal PC with one monitor. You don't really need many monitors to trade with.
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[ Q ] What was your best trade ever?
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[ A ] The best single trade that I ever had is the last one that I made profit on. My last profitable trade, and it will always be like that.
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[ Q ] What was your worst trade ever?
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[ A ] There was one worst trade I had. I was so stupid to trade without a stop loss. The trade just turned against me and kept on falling and falling, and it never turned around up until that stage when I was ready to phone the broker. I was so inexperienced. I closed that trade way too late.
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[ Q ] What have you learned in farming that you can apply to trading Forex?
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[ A ] I can say it's really faith, patience, and simplicity.
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[ Q ] What do you think is the single biggest mistake a lot of traders make?
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[ A ] Not respecting trading for what it really is.
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[ Q ] Only about 5% of traders are consistently profitable. Why do you think that is?
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[ A ] Lack of discipline.
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[ Q ] If you could give everyone reading this just one piece of trading advise, what would it be?
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[ A ] The only difference between you and the 5% traders who make money is one: knowledge of trading, which you can attain, how fast will be up to you. And two: discipline, which includes controlling your emotions. Make an effort to gain the proper trading knowledge and start conditioning your mind, to get into the right frame of mind for trading.
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[ Q ] Is there anything you'd like to say to your fans?
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[ A ] Ah yes, I have a very nice surprise. I've received a lot of feedback about how to get my system, and many people have told me that they cannot fund an account for lack of money. So, I have come up with a scholarship that a lucky trader can have. This scholarship is worth $1,000 to get you started at trading. You will also get a copy of my Forex Income Map, which you will use to trade the $1,000. All you have to do is make a comment, and I will choose three traders with the most meaningful comments. You can make a comment HERE
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[ Q ] Thank you Piet for spending the time with us today. I'm sure we will see lot's more of you in the years to come.
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[ A ] Well, I really hope that we'll see more from each other. Thank you for allowing me to share some things about myself today. I'll talk to you again soon!